Wednesday, August 25, 2010


As my picture above says, Welcome! I'm glad you've visited my blog!  This is a little project I finished today.  Call it Anti-Procrastination Day I guess!  Or perhaps it's Anti-Procrastination Week as I try very hard to tie up loose ends before school starts for the year.  This was one loose end.  I had some things I had gotten through Upper Case Living that I needed to make into finished projects.  This is my simple welcome sign that I started and completed within 30 minutes, and happily hung above our back sliding door.  Thought it would be good to post it here to say Welcome!

The beginning of a blog...

Everything new has to start somewhere, so I'm starting!  I decided to start a blog after seeing so many others that journal the lives of families and their changes along the way.  So I'm giving this a go to give myself a place to journal, to give family and friends a place to stay up on what's new with us, and to try this out as a way to document our long, long adoption journey. 

Currently we stay busy with life at home and we wait for daughter number three - hence the "china caboose" name on the blog.  We have been waiting for three and a half years for our China adoption.  For three years and five months we were waiting only through the non-special needs China program.  We have now been on the list for a "Waiting Child" for one month.  We received a match on July 20, but chose not to move forward with that particular file.  We trust God has just the right one for us in just the right timing.  So we wait.