Ode to my Chaos
Oh what chaos this season is bringing,
Heads are spinning, emotions are swinging.
Too many things have yet to be done,
Some of them drudgery, some of them fun.
So what on earth have I been doing, you ask?
Controlling the chaos - which is no small task!
We've crazily shuffled the stuff in 3 bedrooms,
As in front of our eyes another month zooms.
I've painted a bedroom - no wait - make that two,
Piles are mounting, this place is a zoo!
I've spent way too much time being sick on the couch,
With a sinus infection and a throat that says, "Ouch!"
Both of my daughters have caught this bug too,
Oh - there's NO TIME for this! There's too much to do!
A loft bed and mattresses, homeschooling too.
"Get off of that Wii game! There's school work to do!"
Doctors and antibiotics galore,
I've finished my Z-pack....how 'bout one more!?
A party to kick off Grace's 11 Campaign,
111 shoeboxes?? Are we INSANE??
But what a good cause - "Operation Christmas Child" -
Even if our timing is perhaps a bit wild.
I can't even believe that I'm still feeling sick!
Maybe this amoxicillan will do the trick!
Oh shoot! It's tax time! We mustn't forget!
And my filing's a mess, my desk is a pit!
But things are moving along, so they say,
We've received from China our offical LOA!
So after LOA comes TA, then CA,
All of these approvals from CCAA!
Still working toward travel in March we are hoping,
"Girls! Do your school work! No complaing or moping!"
At least now I'm feeling much better, I think,
Good thing, cuz time is going by in a blink!
Projects and piles and messes are mounded,
The rate jobs accumulate leaves me astounded.
As soon as one mess I try to contain,
The other messes grow even faster - how insane!
All of this working toward one awesome thing,
We wait to bring home our sweet Qian Ting.
Lord, help me to focus on what to do next,
The list is so long, I'm completely perplexed.
But even in chaos I constantly see
God's blessings are everywhere, all around me.
His love and protection, His merciful hand,
All leading us daily in his marvelous plan.
So we stand firm as the chaos around us will whirl,
With our eyes fixed on Jesus and our sweet China girl!