Friday, April 29, 2011

Well it's a lot harder to blog at home!  In the hotel, there was nothing else to do at night (except sleep of course), so it became the nightly routine to just recap that day and share with everyone back home what we'd been up to.  But at home there is a whole house of things to do - and that need to be done - and I'm fully back to my mommy routine.  After kids are in bed there are still chores waiting, and of course there is limited brain power, so I don't end up back at the blog nearly as often as I might plan on it!  And then the problem is, a week or more goes by and then when I finally sit down to write a little, I stare blankly and think, where do I begin!?

Everyone's first question is always, "How's she doing?" or "How is she adjusting at home?"  The short answer is really very well.  We've been home about two and a half weeks, and we've had Lydia with us for one month and two days.  When you consider how short of a time she has been home and how big of a life change she has had to maneuver, I would say she is handling it as well as I could imagine a three year old being capable of - or better.  She is very patient.  I don't know if that is a personality trait or a learned behavior, but it does play a large part in her smooth sailing.  She goes along with us and does what we do, and you've gotta figure, most of the time she doesn't have a clue what we are doing and certainly no clue what might be coming next.  But she goes along with us, most of the time happily, showing her "I'm not sure about this but I'll do it because I know you want me to" face from time to time.  We talk a lot, and she absorbs what she can.  We name things everywhere we go, and she parrots back what she can.  We go about at least most of the daily activites that we had in our routine, and she observes what she can.  I can't even imagine the amount of new stimuli and information her brain is processing everyday, and yet she goes through most of it happily and willingly.  Don't miss the all important word - most - in that last sentence.  I'd be lying if I made that "most" an "all". 

The biggest struggle that we've had flying around, which has yet to find a happy landing place, is bedtime.  It's a common struggle for three year olds anyway, and frankly a lot of what we are seeing looks an awful lot like common three year old bedtime struggle.  But it is complicated by a lack of clear communication and also somewhat a lack of negative consequences.  In other words, we can't clearly communicate verbally exactly what is expected, and we don't have a great way to provide negative consequences for not following the expectations.  So bedtime has been a confusing swirl of different attempted solutions, none of which have gone as well as bedtime the whole time we were in China.  There is a bed in Lydia's own room - she used that fine at bedtime for a while.  Then we added a toddler bed in our room to solve the middle of the night problem when she would wake up and not want to be in her own room anymore.  Then she boycotted her own bedroom altogether and we started putting her to bed at the beginning of the night in the toddler bed.  That worked beautifully for about two nights, and then the same boycotting pattern began and now each night seems to be an increased protest against bedtime even in the toddler bed.  Hmmmm.....stand by.  We'll have to see what the next couple of nights bring.  The pattern so far looks to me an awful lot like a typicl three year old "how much can I control at bedtime" game.  But it's so hard to know without clear language communication.  And this language translater that I downloaded on my phone has been helpful, but only to a certain extent.  For example, when we use it at bedtime to say "please stay in your bed" or "you are being a bad girl, please don't get up again", those phrases only carry so much weight when they are read in the same monotone electronic expression that is also used when we play "we are so glad this is your home" or "you are so cute"!  Poor kid - imagine trying to decipher what someone wanted you to do from an imperfect language machine that always says everything in the same monotone expression!  Makes it especially hard to use for things that would normally carry a lot of verbal and facial expression!

So besides bedtime, she likes mostly everything else about life here.  Even that cat has moved off of her most hated list!  She now will pet the cat, attempt to play with the cat, and even chase the cat just a little!

She eats well and willingly tries most everything if she knows we want her to.  Restaurants are about the most tricky eating environment because at home we usually all have the same thing, or even if we have choices she can see the choices and point to indicate which things she wants or doesn't want.  But at a restaurant, we have to take our best guess at what she would want, and then we all end up with different meals.  That situation will frequently get us that face that we are learning means, "I'll do this because I know I have to but I'm not happy about it."  And we have to do our best to communicate that she needs to eat some of what is on her plate before we give her some of what other people have on theirs.  The hardest part of that in my opinion is that she gets the look on her face that indicates she thinks she is in trouble or has been bad.  It's hard to differentiate a "no" that means you are in trouble and have done something bad from a "no" that simply means you can't have that or do that right now.  There are a lot of forms of "no", but she only seems to register one - "you've been bad" or "you've done something wrong."  So in a situation like a restaurant, I just wish I had a better way to explain that she simply needs to eat some of the food on her plate first and then she can try some other things too.  I hate the fact that she looks like she has gotten in trouble jsut becasue we are trying to say, "not right now" or "eat this first."  That's usually when we will pull out the phone translater and hope that it accurately says, "eat this first" and not something totally incorrect or confusing. 

So besides the few bumps and kinks along the way to her life in America, she likes and enjoys many many things.  I think maybe a list is in order....(can anyone tell from this blog that I am an avid list-maker?).....

Things that Lydia likes...

1.  the trampoline
2.  the cat (most of the time)
3.  her toddler bed (most of the time)
4.  her sisters - this is really more of an ecstatic favorite!
5.  iphones, ipods, and ipads
6.  Ni-Hao Ki Lan (Nick Jr. show like Dora only Chinese)
7.  puzzles
8.  this blog - especially the Gotha day video
9.  pattern blocks
10.  actually, shaped blocks and puzzles of ANY kind
11.  hair things - ponytail holders, barrettes, clips, etc
12.  the grocery store - especially the produce section
13.  McDonald's playland
14.  family family family - she loves to call them by name - NeeNa!  PaPa!  Unco Bee!  Eent Nell!  Eent Joo-lee!  Law-yen!  (Lauren)  Eent Sa-yah!  Unco Andy!  Unco Daev! 
15.   repeating words....and repeating and repeating and repeating....did I mention repeating?
16.  Zoodles (kids website)
17.  overnight guests
18.  Kix
19.  "practicing" her toy violin while her sisters practice their real violins
20.  hunting Easter eggs!
21.  The Easter bunny
22.  dress up (really...what little girl doesn't?)
23.  candy (again, what little kid doesn't...)
24.  Macaroni and Cheese
25.  grocery carts

Now for some pictures to recap the last bit of time...
Pettern blocks with Mary Emma.  Showing off her super spacial reasoning skills

Fancy dress up girls!  Making friends with her cousin Lauren!

Macaroni and cheese - this was the first time since the very early days home that we saw the plate to the mouth trick.  A sure sign that she loves macoroni and cheese on a level all it's own!

Cousin/Sister dance party!!!  Wow Lydia....way to take center stage!

Sharing popcorn with her cousin Lauren.  Not every moment with these two has been full of love, but this one was!

This is funny too - the tradition used with Chinese children of posing for pictures with two fingers up - we haven't seen her do this really at all since we got her.  Not even in China.  Now all the sudden it has resurfaced and we can hardly get her to take a picture without doing it!  And clearly....modeling it for Lauren too.....

Dress up white purse....pretty things in her hair....and a TWO handed Chinese picture pose!  Gotta love it!

This was the night of the open house and she opened the remaining gifts that were brought that she didn't get opened during the chaos.  Thank you everyone for the fun and thoughtful welcome gifts!

These are actually two round rings that go to a particular toy.  She randomly decided that they were earrings!

Violin virtuosos!!

Snuggling with Grace.  It is so so so much fun to have an 11 year old to welcome a 3 year old.  What a fun sister relationship is already growing!

There's a large bunny at the mall!  Why?  She doesn't have a clue!  But that's ok!  There's a large bunny at the mall!!!

The two favorite finds from the Easter basket - markers and potato chips.  We used our tanslater app to ask her which things she liked the best.  These were the two she showed us.  Then she proceeded to pick up the rest and think that she couldn't have all of it, only the two things she chose as her favorite!  There are definately limitations to this translator app.  Like explaining that we didn't mean she had to choose only two things....just that we wondered which she liked the best!

A big smile for a big amount of fun!

For the first year ever Grace decided she didn't need to have her own bucket to hunt eggs, but just to be a helper for Lydia.  How super cute and grown up.

( I said at the top of the post - blogging is MUCH harder since getting home.  I started this post on Monday the 25th.  It's now FRIDAY the 29th.  I could choose to blame it on having super fun overnight guests this week, but that wouldn't really be fair since it probably would've taken me that long anyway!  Time to start the next post and maybe in a couple of weeks you'll see it here...)


Thursday, April 14, 2011

TingTing has been home one week today!

We returned home from China one week ago today.  It's amazing what a difference one week can make!  Not that we have fully settled into our new normal in one week, but if I look back to the day we got home, we've come a long way.  Each day has shown changes and improvement in some way.  TingTing, or Lydia as we mostly call her now, has had several first experiences, many first foods, and has settled into our family already quite well in just one week.  She is very willing to try new things, and she seems to love watching us, and then proudly does what we do.  If we want her to eat her carrots, we take a bite of carrots, she watches, and then follows along by eating hers.  If we want her to clean up, we start to clean up, and then she follows along by cleaning up too.  If we want her to cooperate at the chiropractor, we all take a turn getting adjusted, and then she follows along by getting adjusted too!  She watches and gladly follows along with many things! 

Her sleeping has been one thing that has been a little different each night.  At the beginning, everything was nuts with sleeping and she probably wondered what happened and why she felt so crazy!  I know Jim and I did!  But as the time change settled in a bit with our bodies, we were able to see a bit more of a normal sleeping pattern with her.  After two nights of her falling asleep in her own room and then coming into our bed around midnight for the rest of the night, we decided to go get a cheap toddler bed at Ikea so she would have a place of her own in our room.  Of course, the first night we had it, she stayed sleeping in her own room until 5:30 am and only snuggled in the new toddler bed for a couple of hours!  And the next night, yup.  The whole night in her own bed until she came in smiling at us at 7:30!  Of course, that's just how it goes isn't it?  But that's ok - I'd rather have spent a little on a bed and not need it, than still be struggling to get sleep with her flailing around in the middle of our bed!  We'll still leave it in our room for now of course, because I would not expect that we are in the clear on that, but at the very least we are on the right track.

One funny thing we have had some fun with this week is Google translate.  It's been fun to type some phrases into the translate line and then play the audio of the Chinese translation.  It will get her attention every time, and many times she will respond to the questions in some way.  Some of the things have been just for fun or to see her reaction, like telling her it's time to sleep in the middle of the day - to which she looks up shocked and says her word for "Bath!"  Like, if you're telling me it's time to sleep, then I'm not letting you forget I need a bath first!  But other things, it's been really neat to see an enthusiastic nod and huge smile, like when we asked, "Do you like living here?"  And then we could play for her, "We are glad you live here."  Or "We love you TingTing."  So sweet to see the smile bloom on her face in response to hearing those statements in her own language.

For those of you who were daily addicted to our blog, sorry I haven't been doing this daily since we got home.  :)  Some of it has been the fact that we've been going to bed at 9:30-10 each night!  And some of it is the fact that in China I think it helped MY sanity to have that link to back home.  Whereas now, I don't feel quite the same need to communicate our daily happenings.  Even so, we've had plenty of daily happenings, most of them quite good, quite fun, and very family filled.  Doesn't get better than time spent to build a family.  Some photos to highlight our week:
It has taken some diligence, but she is getting braver every day with our kitty Violet.  She is not a fan of any animal that can move toward her, but cats seem to be much less of a threat than dogs!

We discovered on about her second day home that she loves puzzles and she is very good at them.  In fact, we have a tray of shaped blocks - the point of them is actually to stack them.  But her favorite thing to do with them is to dump the tray out and then fit all of the blocks back into the tray like a puzzle.  She has some impressive spacial reasoning skills!

On Sunday we went to church and she did great!  We thought she would maybe be really overwhelmed, especially with the look on her face when we first walked in!  But after just a couple of minutes, she walked off with her sisters like she owned the place!  After church we went to a local Asian cuisine place and she was thrilled!

I love this picture of her with Grace.  Didn't take her long to completely love her big sisters!

Puzzles in children's church.  I knew if they did puzzles or playdoh that they would have her attention!

It was a beautiful day on Sunday so we took a short bike ride that afternoon.  We attempted Lydia riding the trail-a-bike and it went pretty much ok - at least she didn't fall off!  She loved it, but it made Mommy VERY nervous since she wobbled back and forth the whole time, and we didn't have reliable language to tell her to hold on tight!  I couldn't stand the idea of a broken arm or something just days after getting home!

Funny to think Mary Emma was the one who started out on that trail-a-bike and rode it all over the place!  Look at her now!

Our kitchen helpers!  Turns out Lydia loves to clear the table!  Not just her plate, but everyone elses too!  Wohooo!  Way to set an example for those big sisters!

Ok, this was the cutest thing ever.  Both of our older girls had to be bribed and coaxed into chiropractic adjustments over the course of a couple of years.  This little one watched us get our adjustments, and then went trustfully up onto the table and got hers!

She even smiled as she felt the sore spots get fixed and feel better!

Subway sandwiches for lunch!  New favorite American food - salami!

Meeting Aunt Julie!  Just like with the big sisters, it won't take her long to figure out this is going to be a fun person!

When we went to Ikea for the toddler bed, we spontaneously were able to meet Aunt Julie and Lauren at a coffee shop since Ikea is just minutes from their house.  Not much to do at a coffee shop, but it was good to see them and get all the girls together!

Looking at photos with Grace

Someone got into the sticker collection.....

She likes to "help" at the piano too.  I wonder how long before she'll be ready for lessons like her big sisters?

Looking over Mary Emma's shoulder, she got introduced to the world of Nintendo DS!  She has also tried out some Wii dancing with Mary Emma but I missed that photo opportunity!
One week after getting home, I figure I'll add some thankful things at the end of the post again.  This could be difficult though - where does one begin to pick three things after being home a week with a new daughter?  But here's trying...

Three things we are thankful for today...
1.  That yesterday as we finished getting the last of our suitcases unpacked, I threw away the pullups that we took along and never needed!  Yahoo!

2.  Sister, sisters, sisters times 3!

3.  That somehow God chose this little girl for us and chose us for her.  And that he led us to her from around the world.  And that having her home, it's like she was made just to fit here in our family.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Open House - this Saturday afternoon!

For those of you that are in our local or surrounding areas, we are planning on hosting an open house this Saturday(4/16) from 1:00pm-5:00pm.  Bring the whole family.  We're not planning anything fancy, just some time to see everyone.
We hope this can be a time for all of you that have been following our blog to meet Lydia and enjoy some time with us.

Call or email for directions if you haven't been to our house before. 


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Back to the Blog!

After a three day break, I am finally back at the blog!  It's been quite a three days, hard in several ways, but each day has gotten a little better than the one before.  To anyone who has done a China adoption trip more than once and willingly braved that 12 hour time change - you have my greatest respect!  I tell you - that 12 hour time change was evil on my body!  It was hard on Jim too, but he seemed to handle it so much better than me.  Just ask my parents who were nice enough to stay an extra two days so that I could rebound a little - I was a wreck the day after we got home!  I've always been the type of person to register anxiety or stress in physical ways, even when I was little.  That proved to be true this time too, and apparently that 12 hour time change is interpreted by my body as a major stress!  But like I said before, each day has gotten a little better than the one before.  I am proud to say that today I finally ate 3 meals - even if they were small - I had all three!

It has been really fun to introduce Lydia to life at home.  She took to the rest of her family pretty much right away at the airport.  She had seen them lots on Skype, so the faces weren't new and the names weren't new, but the fact that they were no longer on a screen - that was new!  She looked bewildered for only maybe 2 seconds, and then she pointed out who they were.  Within a couple of minutes she was laughing with Grace and Mary Emma.

First meeting the faces from skype!

We were SO glad to see our two big girls that waited so long for our return!

The first of many laughs together!

Once at home, she gained a huge second wind, even though the time for us on China time was around midnight!  She worked her way through the house exploring each room and the toys that happened to be in some of them.  Actually, the longer the afternoon went on, and it seemed to go on about forever, the more of an energy high she seemed to be on.  Jim and I both napped for a while while Grace, Mary Emma, Nana and Papa kept Lydia busy - or perhaps I should say SHE kept them busy!  And unfortunately, the more Jim and I rested the more tired we got.  Meantime, Lydia played herself into utter exhaustion so that by the time we wanted to sit down for dinner she had a momentary meltdown and then fell asleep at the kitchen table.  Poor little thing.  She played so hard, it was like she didn't know how long she would get to stay at this place so she better make the most of her time here! 

That was already three days ago!  I do have to say when I look back on that first afternoon, it is NOT a feeling I would want to go back and repeat.  I am so thankful that each day and each night we have some improvement in our level of attempted normal.  I think one of the biggest hurdles has been getting sleep.  One night we simply seemed to be on the wrong time, and despite forcing ourselves to stay awake most of the day, didn't sleep much at all at night.  Last night was the best night of sleep we've had, but Lydia still doesn't like to be in her room alone (understandably) and ended up in our bed for half the night.  We haven't decided yet how to handle that problem if it persists into more of a long term situation.  For now, our goal is to get her acclimated to her own bed, but also balance that with whatever we need to do to get us all some sleep to get over the crazy jet-lag.  I know I've heard a lot of adoptive families end up with either a mattress or a toddler bed in mom and dad's room for a while.  We'll explore that if we still need to I guess after this initial transition. 

By far today was the most "normal" feeling of any of the days, in regards to both schedule and energy level.  We actually got up and made it to church this morning.  Then we went out for lunch - to a local favorite for some good Asian cuisine - just to give Lydia a taste of something familiar.  She pointed to everything pictured on the menu and said her Chinese word for, "That one!"  Apparently it all looked good!  It was such a beautiful day today that we were also able to go outside and play and even take a first bike ride!  I'll try to post some more pictures tomorrow, but I'm getting awfully sleepy right now!

I was reminded of a favorite hymn this morning in church.  Of course it just "happened" to be the first one we sang this morning, and though I know it well and have sung it many times, could not get through even one verse without tears this morning.  It was such a reminder of God's faithfulness in all situations.  He will bring us through it, often times far better than we could ever have expected, and then how many times we are surprised when he does. 

"He said to them, "Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?"  Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm."  Matthew 8:26

I was trying to find a way to post a recording of the hymn, but since I can't find the one I'm looking for on You Tube and I'm again falling asleep at the computer, I'll just have to post the lyrics.

How firm a foundation

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
You, who to Jesus for refuge have fled?

Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed,
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid;
I’ll strengthen and help thee, and cause thee to stand
Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.

When through fiery trials thy pathways shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.

The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose,
I will not, I will not desert to its foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Video of Lydia's adoption journey

We put this movie together to show some highlights of Lydia's trip.  Enjoy!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

We've landed in Detroit!!

Sent from my iPhoneWe made it! We made it! We made it! We just landed in Detroit and are still taxiing to the gate. Lydia did AMAZING on that 13 hour flight! She'll be glad to get off the plane, but she has NO idea how far she has really come!
Now it's time to go meet big sisters and Nana and Papa!!!
So so so soooooo glad to be back in the USA! Thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday, April 6 - ON OUR WAY HOME!!!

We left Guangzhou late this afternoon and have now made it to Shangahi for the night.  We get only a short time to sleep and meet our guide at 6:40am to head to the airport.  Our flight was originally scheduled for 10am on Thursday, but we were told it was moved a bit earlier to 9:40am.  We will be on the plane around 14-15 hours I think, but humorously we will arrive in Detroit only a couple of hours later!

I don't have long because internet is not included at this hotel so I only paid for an hour.  (adoptive families beware of the extra charges at the Bund hotel in Shanghai!  They want to charge us for both internet and the extra bed for our daughter!!) 

To finish out the pattern I started at the beginning of our trip:

Things we are thankful for today....

1.  For all of the blog comments and emails that many of you have been sending.  I have been getting them all and they have been such an encouragement and a link back to home.  If I haven't replied, it's only because by the time I get finished with the blog at night I'm falling asleep every time!

2.  That in about 24 hours I get to hug Grace and Mary Emma!

3.  That we finally get to bring Lydia home!

I was thinking earlier that it would also be fun to list some things we are looking forward to in coming home.  There have been many many of these things we have mentioned in the past week or so and I really should have started writing them down.  But I bet I can think of a whole bunch of them just off the top of my head.  Here goes...

Things we are looking forward to in coming home....

1.  Hugging Grace and Mary Emma
2.  Seeing TingTing's face when she sees these people in person that she has been talking to in "the box" for two weeks on Skype!
3.  Our own bed
4.  Water from the faucet that is safe for drinking and won't make you sick
5.  Coffee how we like it
6.  Fresh fruits and vegetables
7.  Being able to hug my parents and say thank you for all they've done in the past three weeks!
8.  Did I mention our own bed?
9.  Not smelling sewer when we walk on the street
10.  Normal toilets including toilet paper
11.  grass
12.  driving a car
13.  Our comfy house
14.  Kroger
15.  Quick food options that are not either unhealthy fast food or unknown food specimens
16.  Brushing our teeth without bottled water
17.  Watching Lydia talk with and play with Grace and Mary Emma
18. The many meals in our freezer
19. Washing dishes in the kitchen instead of in the bathroom sink with boiled water
20.  Seeing everyone who is eagerly waiting for us to come home!

 One more quick thing before I max out my internet hour - 
This is the verse I started our trip with and I figure it's a good one to return to at the end....

"And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land: for I will not leave thee until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of."  Genesis 28:15

Thanking God for His faithfulness tonight!
