Thursday, May 19, 2011


Tonight I am mostly going to just post the portraits from yesterday.  I don't have a video to post becasuse Lydia had too grumpy of a day to get one!  I have several more ideas for little things she is doing lately that I can video, but I will have to hope she is in a better mood tomorrow and I can take a couple of quick videos.  Don't know what was up today, but she does have these days from time to time where she just is grumpy and testy.  I guess we all have those now and then huh?  I do have to say, on those days I am quite thankful for my two older girls so I know that it's not just my imagination, or that it isn't just ME that's off.  It does make me question if it's just me, but when we all notice it, then I know I'm not crazy!  Oh well, tomorrow is another day - at least this keeps it real!

Now on to those portraits....


1 comment:

  1. Wow - just wow - great photo work - beautiful models!

    hugs - aus and co.
