Monday, March 14, 2011

3 days!

Originally this would have been the night before our flight.  I am so relieved, actually, to have gotten two extra days.  Especially since it doesn't change the adoption timeline of our trip at all, only some of the sightseeing before we get Lydia.  And I seriously needed the two extra days.  Now I'm trying to use them to the absolute best of my ability.  So I won't stay at this computer long tonight - too many things to do.

The only thing I'll share right now is some phrases we have gotten in fortune cookies lately that are humourously applicable.  Now, we don't put any value at all in the papers in our fortune cookies, but we always have fun reading them and laughing about them as a family.  But in the past month or so, we have gotten some great ones that made us say, "Wow!  How'd we happen to end up with that one!"  It's just been a fun thing to chuckle at each time we go for Chinese food.  Here are our favorites...

"You will soon gain something you have always desired."

"Good things come in small packages.  One is coming to you."

"When the flowers bloom, so will great joy in your life."

And my personal favorite...

"You will soon bring joy to someone new in your life."

I sure hope so....


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